- adaptogen
- adrenals
- ailanthus
- air hunger
- alcohol addiction
- allergies
- american ginseng
- Anemopsis californica
- angelica
- antioxidant
- Artemisia
- ashwagandha
- aster
- astragalus
- baical skullcap
- ban lan gen
- bath
- bear root
- betony
- better than CBD
- Bidens
- birthing
- bites
- bladder
- blood
- blood O2
- blood tonic
- bone
- book
- brain
- brain fog
- brain-related
- bruise
- Buhner
- Buhner Protocol
- Bulk herbs
- burns
- cacao
- calendula
- California poppy
- cardiac support
- cardioprotective
- cardiotonic
- cardiovascular
- cardiovascular support
- cardiovascular system
- castela
- cayenne
- cell protection
- cerebral circulation
- chaga
- chaparral
- chaparro amargosa
- chapped hands
- chapped lips
- chest cold
- chest congestion
- chia
- chinese medicine
- chronic cough
- cilia
- cinnamon
- circulation
- circulatory system
- cocoa
- cognitive function
- cold
- colon
- connective tissue
- Consultation
- cooking with herbs
- cooling
- coral root
- cordyceps
- cordyceps militaris
- corn allergy
- cough
- cramping
- creosote bush
- culinary
- Custom
- CV
- CV Core Protocol
- CV Immune Formula
- dairy allergy
- dairy-free
- dampness
- dan shen
- decocted elder leaf
- desert lavender
- diaphoretic
- digestion
- digestive
- digestive system
- discomfort
- dong quai
- doug fir needle
- dry cough
- Dry Herbs/Blends
- elder leaf
- elderberry
- eleuthero
- emotional body
- emotional heart
- emotional heart remedy
- endurance
- energy
- enhance fertility
- estafiate
- exhausted
- exhaustion
- expectorant
- fatigue
- female reproductive
- female reproductive system
- fenugreek
- fertility
- fir needle
- fire cider
- flavor
- food allergies
- food allergy
- food intolerance
- foraged
- fungal
- gall bladder
- genitourinary
- ginger
- gluten
- gluten allergy
- gluten intolerance
- gluten-free
- Glycerite
- glycerites
- gokshura
- grain allergies
- grapefruit
- gum health
- gut
- gut healing
- gut-brain
- hay fever
- head
- headache
- healing food
- healing skin
- healing the gut
- heart
- heart tonic
- hepatoprotective
- herbal blend
- Herbal Consult
- Herbal Consultation
- herbal formula
- herbal mix
- herbal tea
- herbs to cook with
- holy basil
- honey
- Honeys
- horehound
- houttuynia
- huang qin
- Hypericum
- hypersensitivity
- Immune
- Immune Formulation
- immune health
- immune support
- immune system
- immune tonic
- immunity
- improve memory
- indigestion
- injury
- isatis
- itchy skin
- japanese knotweed
- joints
- jugo de tuna
- kidneys
- krishna tulsi
- kudzu
- libido
- licorice
- licorice root
- Ligusticum porteri
- lima chinchona
- limequat
- liver
- liver health
- liver heat
- low energy
- low glycemic
- lungs
- lymph
- lymphatic
- marrubio
- Marrubium
- memory
- menopause
- mesquite
- metabolic
- metabolism
- micronutrients
- mitochondria
- Mom & Baby
- mood elevation
- mood elevator
- mouthwash
- mucolytic
- mucous membranes
- muscle
- muscle tension
- muscles
- musculoskeletal
- nervine
- nervous system
- nervous tissue
- nervousness
- neural protectant
- neuroprotective
- nicotine addiction
- night sweats
- non-alcohol
- nopal
- nourishing
- numbness
- nutritive
- obesity
- ocotillo
- organic
- organic fair trade cacao
- oshá
- overwhelm
- oxymel
- parasites
- peach
- pedicularis
- perimenopause
- phlegm
- physical trauma recovery
- pine needle
- poor appetite
- postpartum
- prevention
- prickly pear
- Prickly Pear Fruit Juice Concentrate Wholesale
- prions
- protection
- protein
- puncture vine
- Quick Consult
- rbc
- recovery
- red root
- reduce stress
- relaxant
- relaxation
- relaxing
- reproductive system
- respiratory
- respiratory recovery
- respiratory system
- respiratory tonic
- Retail
- rhodiola
- Salves
- salvia
- sanqi
- scut
- Scutellaria
- Scutellaria baicalensis
- seasoning
- Seville orange
- sexual function
- shatavari
- shikimic acid
- Single Herb Tinctures
- sinus
- sinuses
- skin
- skin conditions
- skullcap
- sleep
- sneezing
- soothing
- sore throat
- soup
- southwest foraging
- southwest medicinal plants
- soy allergy
- spasm
- spice
- spicy
- spleen
- St. John's Wort
- stamina
- steam inhalation
- stings
- stomach
- stones
- stress
- stress relief
- stuffy nose
- summer tea
- Sun exposure
- surgery recovery
- sweet
- testosterone
- thymol
- tienchi
- tightness in chest
- Tincture
- tincture formula
- Tincture Formulas
- tingling
- toning to gums
- toothache
- trauma
- trauma support
- Tribulus
- tulsi
- tuna de nopal
- twitches
- urinary
- urinary tract
- urination
- uterus
- valerian
- venous tonic
- weight loss
- Wellness Consultation
- wet cough
- Wholesale
- wild food
- wild oregano
- wildcrafted herbal blend
- wildcrafted herbs
- wildharvested
- withdrawl
- women's reproductive health
- yerba mansa
- adaptogen
- adrenals
- ailanthus
- air hunger
- alcohol addiction
- allergies
- american ginseng
- Anemopsis californica
- angelica
- antioxidant
- Artemisia
- ashwagandha
- aster
- astragalus
- baical skullcap
- ban lan gen
- bath
- bear root
- betony
- better than CBD
- Bidens
- birthing
- bites
- bladder
- blood
- blood O2
- blood tonic
- bone
- book
- brain
- brain fog
- brain-related
- bruise
- Buhner
- Buhner Protocol
- Bulk herbs
- burns
- cacao
- calendula
- California poppy
- cardiac support
- cardioprotective
- cardiotonic
- cardiovascular
- cardiovascular support
- cardiovascular system
- castela
- cayenne
- cell protection
- cerebral circulation
- chaga
- chaparral
- chaparro amargosa
- chapped hands
- chapped lips
- chest cold
- chest congestion
- chia
- chinese medicine
- chronic cough
- cilia
- cinnamon
- circulation
- circulatory system
- cocoa
- cognitive function
- cold
- colon
- connective tissue
- Consultation
- cooking with herbs
- cooling
- coral root
- cordyceps
- cordyceps militaris
- corn allergy
- cough
- cramping
- creosote bush
- culinary
- Custom
- CV
- CV Core Protocol
- CV Immune Formula
- dairy allergy
- dairy-free
- dampness
- dan shen
- decocted elder leaf
- desert lavender
- diaphoretic
- digestion
- digestive
- digestive system
- discomfort
- dong quai
- doug fir needle
- dry cough
- Dry Herbs/Blends
- elder leaf
- elderberry
- eleuthero
- emotional body
- emotional heart
- emotional heart remedy
- endurance
- energy
- enhance fertility
- estafiate
- exhausted
- exhaustion
- expectorant
- fatigue
- female reproductive
- female reproductive system
- fenugreek
- fertility
- fir needle
- fire cider
- flavor
- food allergies
- food allergy
- food intolerance
- foraged
- fungal
- gall bladder
- genitourinary
- ginger
- gluten
- gluten allergy
- gluten intolerance
- gluten-free
- Glycerite
- glycerites
- gokshura
- grain allergies
- grapefruit
- gum health
- gut
- gut healing
- gut-brain
- hay fever
- head
- headache
- healing food
- healing skin
- healing the gut
- heart
- heart tonic
- hepatoprotective
- herbal blend
- Herbal Consult
- Herbal Consultation
- herbal formula
- herbal mix
- herbal tea
- herbs to cook with
- holy basil
- honey
- Honeys
- horehound
- houttuynia
- huang qin
- Hypericum
- hypersensitivity
- Immune
- Immune Formulation
- immune health
- immune support
- immune system
- immune tonic
- immunity
- improve memory
- indigestion
- injury
- isatis
- itchy skin
- japanese knotweed
- joints
- jugo de tuna
- kidneys
- krishna tulsi
- kudzu
- libido
- licorice
- licorice root
- Ligusticum porteri
- lima chinchona
- limequat
- liver
- liver health
- liver heat
- low energy
- low glycemic
- lungs
- lymph
- lymphatic
- marrubio
- Marrubium
- memory
- menopause
- mesquite
- metabolic
- metabolism
- micronutrients
- mitochondria
- Mom & Baby
- mood elevation
- mood elevator
- mouthwash
- mucolytic
- mucous membranes
- muscle
- muscle tension
- muscles
- musculoskeletal
- nervine
- nervous system
- nervous tissue
- nervousness
- neural protectant
- neuroprotective
- nicotine addiction
- night sweats
- non-alcohol
- nopal
- nourishing
- numbness
- nutritive
- obesity
- ocotillo
- organic
- organic fair trade cacao
- oshá
- overwhelm
- oxymel
- parasites
- peach
- pedicularis
- perimenopause
- phlegm
- physical trauma recovery
- pine needle
- poor appetite
- postpartum
- prevention
- prickly pear
- Prickly Pear Fruit Juice Concentrate Wholesale
- prions
- protection
- protein
- puncture vine
- Quick Consult
- rbc
- recovery
- red root
- reduce stress
- relaxant
- relaxation
- relaxing
- reproductive system
- respiratory
- respiratory recovery
- respiratory system
- respiratory tonic
- Retail
- rhodiola
- Salves
- salvia
- sanqi
- scut
- Scutellaria
- Scutellaria baicalensis
- seasoning
- Seville orange
- sexual function
- shatavari
- shikimic acid
- Single Herb Tinctures
- sinus
- sinuses
- skin
- skin conditions
- skullcap
- sleep
- sneezing
- soothing
- sore throat
- soup
- southwest foraging
- southwest medicinal plants
- soy allergy
- spasm
- spice
- spicy
- spleen
- St. John's Wort
- stamina
- steam inhalation
- stings
- stomach
- stones
- stress
- stress relief
- stuffy nose
- summer tea
- Sun exposure
- surgery recovery
- sweet
- testosterone
- thymol
- tienchi
- tightness in chest
- Tincture
- tincture formula
- Tincture Formulas
- tingling
- toning to gums
- toothache
- trauma
- trauma support
- Tribulus
- tulsi
- tuna de nopal
- twitches
- urinary
- urinary tract
- urination
- uterus
- valerian
- venous tonic
- weight loss
- Wellness Consultation
- wet cough
- Wholesale
- wild food
- wild oregano
- wildcrafted herbal blend
- wildcrafted herbs
- wildharvested
- withdrawl
- women's reproductive health
- yerba mansa
133 products
133 products
Sold Out

Aster Root Tincture
from $15.00
Sold Out

Asthma Weed Tincture
from $16.00
Sold Out

Bidens Tincture
from $15.00
Sold Out

Calendula Bulk, 1lb
Sold Out

California Poppy Bulk, 1lb
Sold Out

Citrus Bitters
from $15.00
Sold Out

Coral Root Tincture
from $18.00